Chess Openings

Chess Opening: The Pirc Defence
The Pirc Defence is a very tactical chess opening named after the Yugoslav chess player Vasja Pirc. It initially leaves White more space in the centre so that Black can...
Chess Opening: The Pirc Defence
The Pirc Defence is a very tactical chess opening named after the Yugoslav chess player Vasja Pirc. It initially leaves White more space in the centre so that Black can...

Chess Opening: The Caro-Kann Defence
The Caro-Kann Defence is one of the best-known openings for Black on the move 1.e4. It was named after Horatio Caro and Marcus Kann and offers a solid and safe...
Chess Opening: The Caro-Kann Defence
The Caro-Kann Defence is one of the best-known openings for Black on the move 1.e4. It was named after Horatio Caro and Marcus Kann and offers a solid and safe...

Chess Opening: The London System
The London System is a very popular opening that is used by club players of all levels. In contrast to many other openings, the early development of the pawns does...
Chess Opening: The London System
The London System is a very popular opening that is used by club players of all levels. In contrast to many other openings, the early development of the pawns does...

Chess Opening: The English Opening
The English Opening is one of the most traditional and versatile openings in the game of chess. Its origins date back to the 19th century, when chess experienced significant development...
Chess Opening: The English Opening
The English Opening is one of the most traditional and versatile openings in the game of chess. Its origins date back to the 19th century, when chess experienced significant development...

Chess Opening: The Scandinavian Defence
A chess opening known since the 15th century but not taken seriously until the mid-19th century is the Scandinavian Defence. It is characterised by an active and aggressive style of...
Chess Opening: The Scandinavian Defence
A chess opening known since the 15th century but not taken seriously until the mid-19th century is the Scandinavian Defence. It is characterised by an active and aggressive style of...

Chess Opening: The King's Indian Defence
The Indian Defence is a chess opening that originated in India in the first half of the 19th century and was often played there by the Brahmins. The opening is...
Chess Opening: The King's Indian Defence
The Indian Defence is a chess opening that originated in India in the first half of the 19th century and was often played there by the Brahmins. The opening is...